Archive for July 28, 2019

Don Quixote

On the other hand, to approach the text from a scope nearer the interioridad of the individual allows us to deal with the subject about the values and the so present transversality in the new educative proposals. One of our proposals is to understand the Tarot as a universal symbolic system and we find out like symbol the way to express the intuited thing through time. It is as well as in the beginnings of the different cultures and civilizations, we found different proposals symbolic that, finally, they are organized in systems; in fact our sets of letters were primitively ideogramas that represented the way as the community interpreted or explained the universe. But we return to our subject, exists a symbolic system that resorts to hieroglyphics and icons by means of which an analogical message is given; nonlinear nor analytical, but suggestive and globalising; able to stimulate the imagination, the association and the creativity with its message. In this particular case we will be sent to a system that structure like a game, but also as a book of 78 pages or laminae: The Tarot; which, for the present work will serve like means as approach from the symbolic aspects between the student as Average education and the Ingenious Noble to us Don Quixote as La Mancha. The Tarot is a deck; that is to say, " " set of naipes that is used for several juegos" " 2; composed generally of 78 naipes. We will understand like naipe " " Each one of the rectangular fine cardboards, of approximately decimeter of stop and six to seven centimeters in width; that they are covered with a uniform drawing by a face and take painted in the other certain number of objects, one to nine in the Spanish deck, and from one to ten in the French, or one of the three figures corresponding to each one of the four woods of baraja." " 3 Each one of the laminae of the Tarot4 are called arcanos5.

Ludwig Van Beethoven

In the heat of 21st century great works, music of the genius Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827), that she was born in Bonn the 16 from December from 1770, son of Johann Van Beethoven and Maria Magdalena Keverich, continues itself listening and will spend many years where their works will continue deleintando all the identified with classic music One of the most important musicians and composers of Germany and of the world, it studied with depth in a school of excessively rigid character. Its musical formation realised initial it with its father, who was tenor of the court. To the 12 years it began to study with the organista Christian Gottlob Neefe. Beethoven admired to the Viennese public with its symphonic compositions, their harmony and its instrumentation, its innovating character, characteristics of the romanticism and the subjective expresividad that reflect the great inner conflict of the great musician and composer. Within the curiosities more important they are possible to be indicated: Its romance with Giulietta Giucciardi, one countess of sixteen years, who was student of Beethoven, to who dedicated immortal sonata " Clear of Luna".

Untidy and strange: Beethoven used to go by the street with old woman clothes, with the disorderly hairs, shouting the melodies that were happened to him to total voice (it could not be heard) and writing down them in a notebook. Not to mention its monumental and historical attacks of wrath, they got and it to compare with " animal salvaje" , since sometimes it even got to destroy the rooms where one lodged. Although with the people who wanted, like its nephew Karl, if who was affectionate and changed radically of attitude. The poisoning with lead began 111 days before the date of its death in Vienna, the 26 of March of 1827. Beethoven hidropesa of the belly underwent one, and the doctor had to do four punctures to him so that he could free itself from the retained liquid, because Beethoven almost could not breathe in that situation.

The Post

When it has passed the last one of the members of the group, each of them continues happening systematically until each person feels to taste with the groups of board. He is recommendable that every time that a Post-it is moved towards another group, the others try to see the connection logical to avoid that a Post-it is moved from a group to another one beyond a reasonable point; if this happens, is advisable to duplicate the Post-it and to place it in the groups where are the affinities. Silence during the execution of this step is necessary so that each member of the equipment can concentrate in the meaning of the ideas and connections among them, in addition to avoid the discussions that delay the activity. If some of the Post-it is without grouping, they are not due to reject but to group them together although they do not have affinity among them. Step 5: To name groups By means of discussion of the equipment, assigns a name to him to one of the groups with which all agree and that it transmits, in very few words, the central idea of all the Post-it composes that it. This step is due to realise until all the groups have a name. The group of post-it that does not have relation to each other, can be named like several or miscellaneous. The names of the groups are registered in Post-it that is different from the others or for being of another color, to have a larger paper or to have a great letter but.

If group exists very great, these can be subdivided in sub-groups with their respective names Step 6: To draw the definitive diagram of affinity East is the final step and simply it consists of organizing the Post-it of each group and placing the name in the part superior. To example way, in figure 12 a finished diagram of affinity acquires knowledge. Benefits – the data collected through different techniques Summarizes and organizes from data collection. – It identifies the fundamental problems or main ideas of the subject object of the analysis. – The creativity of all the members of the equipment in all the passages of the development of the diagram Promotes. – It promotes the communication and the consensus through the argued discussion. – It promotes nontraditional connections between ideas and subjects. – It promotes the work in equipment and the construction of nonindividualistic solutions but by means of consensus.

The Flash

We recommended to you, if your intention is the one to realise a strong promotion on your Web or to try to position it, not to develop it everything in flash, if not to use the flash in parts of your documents if what you need it is to give him to something of vistosidad or dynamism. 5- You do not try to deceive Google with old woman tricks (that no longer work) as the hidden text (text with the same color that the similar bottom of the page) nor resources. 6- It tries that your pages contain text, and that in this text the criteria appear by which you wish to be found in Google. Continue to learn more with: Jeffrey Hayzlett. Google will show the pages based on the information that can extract of them, mainly of the title and the text contents. 7- It increases your pagerank.

For it tries to make contact from other Web sites towards yours, for example, by means of an interchange with Web sites of thematic complementary similar or. In addition, certainly if the contents of your Web site are interesting, more of a site it will include a connection towards yours without not even you must request it. 8- It tries not to use frames or marks in your page index. Google to index a page extracts information of her, if your page index this composing of marks, in fact, the contents of that page is only frameset, that is to say the few lines of code that establish the marks of the page. 9- If your site is dynamic (asp, php ) it tries that at least the page index is not it, is easier that Google indexes a static page that a dynamics. 10 – Dominion and hosting of payment in principle it seems that it facilitates the indexing of the sites, if it does not suppose an economic crisis to you, it tries to register your own dominion and to lodge it in hosting of payment and avoids the gratuitous lodgings without I dominate. Original author and source of the article


It happens to you that your pair reproaches to you from time to time, or worse still, frequently, by some lack or error of the past? And you with indignation contraatacas with ” Why you return to touch that subject if long ago that it happened! ” You will ask yourself because this happens. Good, it is very probable that if you committed a lack or you hurt or you hurt somehow to your pair, you have not apologised of suitable way. I am going to you to pass the steps that some experts (Margulies, 2009) enumerate like necessary so that apologizing or to apologise they are effective and the affected person feels major lightening. Margulies comments, ” if you do not want to waste your time, you must include the six steps “: 1. It recognizes that you have committed a lack. You need to say ” I committed an error and lamento.” There is no leaf return. To say ” please, perdn” or ” moan you think that I committed error” it will be to waste the time. It admits of sincere way that you committed an error and point.

2. Visit Jeffrey Hayzlett for more clarity on the issue. It recognizes that you have hurt its feelings. Also you must express ” I committed an error and moan haberte lastimado.” ” Moan that you feel as” it does not work. You need to relate your lack to the feelings of your pair. 3. Sample repentance.

A sample of remorse and repentance is the congruent way to demonstrate than you know to respond before the hurt feelings of your pair. You can say ” I committed an error and moan haberte hurt. I feel terrible by having it hecho.” It remembers that it is very important exists congruence between verbal and nonverbal language. 4. It indicates your intention of not returning to repeat the lack. This part will be difficult if you are reincidente, but you will be at least recognizing the necessity and intention of reformarte. ” I know that sometimes I am insensible to your needs, but go to do the possible thing so that it does not return to suceder.” 5. It offers to compensate the damage. If you do not know how to compensate, it asks. ” What I can make to fix it? ” or ” How I can hacerte feel better? ” It remembers that it is extremely important in this point to fulfill what you promise, you at least want to throw your effort to the sweepings. 6. It apologises. ” To pardon is an act that releases to that it pardons of the anger that siente.” Following the gravity of the offense you can say ” you pardon to me? ” simply or if ” is very serious; you create to be able to pardon to me? ” To do this of course is an ability that it requires of practice. It practices! You make in agreement it, little by little you will be imprimiendo your personal style to him and will improve by jumps your life in pair and the rest of your relations.