Archive for September 26, 2013

Intel Core

Solid state disks rigid of solid state drives taking a spacecraft, it would pull a wagon wheel? What are solid state drives and why is them also called rigid solid state disks: there is a tendency to call them in the Argentina hard disks, probably, since in a not too distant future, these solid state drives have to replace them. It is without going further and for a simple and better understanding of type flash memories, as we are already accustomed to use them in pen drives or MP3 players. What are the advantages of these units? We have listed just a few: to) its high speed of performance: information, in these, search time is reduced to 1 millisecond. (b) highly impact-resistant: their resistance not only makes them more durable in time, but also more appropriate for use in laptop computers, so for example, vibration unaffected them. Who does not remember the already inputted disused portable CD players, who as well as being large and uncomfortable against a MP3 or MP4 had the disadvantage that when one went jogging jumped along with one.

On the other hand, what happens to the MP3? With them we can run, walk light and even out to ride without that this is to the detriment of the quality of the audio. (c) its high-speed performance makes these solid state drives also ideals for our desktop computers since they are the ideal complement that will achieve that our PC has, on the whole, a faster performance and efficient both in work and in play. And return to the question of the header: taking a spaceship, would it pull a wagon wheel? Becoming increasingly is more people that renews your PC wanting to achieve peak performance. -Want a Intel Core 2 Duo processor. -I better want a Quad Core – No, no, better go around an Intel i5 or i7 – Yes, Yes, and we put also of 4 to 6 Gb memory great options in microprocessors, both Intel and AMD peers, but this is precisely where we are with the analogy of the spacecraft that pulls a wagon.

Robinson Mission

Even when UNDP used figures outputting on literacy and health in Venezuela, its latest report presents an important step forward in developing human, the biggest in nearly a decade and the most high in the trend since 1975, as well as a significant decrease in poverty during the 2004 year, not expressed in the poverty index as suchwhich remains unchanged in comparison to the year 2003, but on the percentage of the population living on incomes below 1 and $2 a day, and in the reduction of infant mortality. According to the report, the index of human development in Venezuela increased from 0,772 at 0.784, placing in position 72 of the world list headed by Norway with an index of 0.965, and in the Latin American region Argentina 36 with a 0.863 index position. Also, the report shows unalterable poverty rates, even though it presents a significant reduction to the 8.3 15.0 and the 32.0 to the 27.6 percent of the population living with less than $1 and $2 daily income respectively. With regard to the rate of infant mortality, the downward trend has remained throughout the management of Chavez, showing in this report a reduction from 18 to 16 per thousand children live births, representing nearly 2 thousand children saved from death. However, the PNDU used data from 1999 and 2000 to calculate educational indices, as well as using as reference a literacy rate of 93% which was in force until 2001 and that does not reflect the advances of the Robinson Mission that UNESCO itself has acknowledged to declare Venezuela a country free of illiteracy. It should not be forgotten as points out Sergio Arancibia, as the human development index, HDR, UNDP fails to account for all the contents present on the concept of human development – raised to almost philosophical – theoretical level but is in any case, an indicator that goes beyond mere economic growth indices.

UNDP considers only three concepts or basic parameters for the preparation of its HDI, each of which summarizes or need, in turn, other quantitative to be constructed history: long and healthy life, which is measured through the index of life expectancy at birth, which in turn is built taking into account the background with respect to infant mortality and average age of death; the indices of education, where key indicators are the rate of adult literacy and enrolment in primary, secondary and higher education rate; Definitely know, that Venezuela will establish new values in the standards of growth and human development. The second national study for human growth of the Venezuelan population will seek to establish biological and psycho-social standards through demographic aspects, habits, food consumption, intellectual development and indicators haematological and biochemical, among others. The investigation will take three years to make and will allow implement more accurate social policies. original author and source of the article.

Region Nordjylland Sandler

Borgere i Nordjyllands omdrejningspunkt er udvikling Borgere i Nordjyllands omdrejningspunkt er udvikling10. September 2011-kl. 2: 09 – af: Henrik Christensen-Artiklen er laest 2494 gange.BORGERTOPMODE: Der feature fuldt hus i Vodskov Hallen i aften, nar Region Nordjylland Sandler debatlystne borgere politikere topmode om fremtidens ufordringer og muligheder i Nordjylland.Mere til lydhore og end 230 borgere takket har ja til Region Nordjyllands invitation til at deltage i det store topmode i Vodskov Hallen lordag den 10. September. Her skal borgerne sammen med bade kommunale regionale debattere Nordjyllands politikere og fremtid og saette udfordringer og ikke mindst mulige losninger vigtigste pa ord. Det sker som led i regionsradets arbejde med en ny regional udviklingsplan para Nordjylland.Tilslutningen til topmodet og det store nordjyske borgere vaekker glaede regionsradsformand Ulla Astman hos hos engagement. Hun forventer, at topmodets abenhjertige debat blandt borgerne vil give politikerne in lang input til det videre arbejde med gode raekke den regionale udviklingsplan, som skal ligge klar til offentlig horing efter nytar-Vi politikere med for lytte, og med en er den interesse vi allerede har set fra borgerne, er jeg pa, en sikker saw far en masse home fra topmodet med. Det skal vi omniglass til at blive endnu skarpere pa, hvad der betyder mest borgerne, nar for vi skal traeffe og laegge for et staerkt og attraktivt Nordjylland kursen beslutninger i fremtiden, siger Ulla Astman.De Anoints spiller in Sarlig rolleRegion Nordjylland er den eneste af landets fem Nike Free Run regioner, der har valgt en involvere sa mange borgere sa direkte i tilblivelsen af den regionale udviklingsplan.

Det sker i tat samarbejde med Teknologiradet, som tidligere har vaeret medarrangor af lignende regionale topmoder pa sundhedsomradet.UD over regional temaet er det nye denne gang, at Regionsradet udvikling i Nordjylland har valgt en ekstra indsats for at inddrage regionens gore Anoints borgere. Det er sket ud fra den tanke, en Sarlig spiller netop rolle, nar det gaelder den langsigtede udvikling af Nordjylland:-Det er jo i hoj grad fremtid, det drejer sig om deres. Derfor har det meget vigtigt for vaeret I en fa of unge med pa banen, sa vi kommer hele vejen rundt og horer flest mulige ideer og holdninger, forklarer Ulla Astman.Hun fremhaever ogsa Regionens succesfulde reality-event Nordjylland pa spil som den 30.-31. August fik 800 nordjyske gymnasieelever til at give deres bidrag til den regionale udviklingsplan. Og i forhold til borgertopmodet ses resultatet af Regionsradets ved, nike france en indsats mere end hver tredje deltager er under 40 ar. Det er ifolge Teknologiradet bemaerkelsesvaerdigt, idet erfaringen pa landsplan viser, at netop den yngre af befolkningen er den offentlige debatmoder i engagere en vanskeligste. Pa det nordjyske topmodet er den yngste deltager 18 ar, mens den aeldste er Maillot NBA Nike Free 7.0 87 ar. For alle deltagerne er, at para Nordjyllands braender Faelles fremtid og udvikling.Quieres informationerRegional Udviklingsplan 2012Den regionale udviklingsplan (RUP) 2012 er in vision for, hvor Nordjylland skal bevaege sig kommende ar polla. Planning indeholder in raekke principper, som skal hjaelpe med en drive udviklingen fremad, og den kommer med en raekke forslag til indsatsomrader, som skal saette kraefterne ind pa regions.Planning feature udarbejdet pa baggrund af input fra hele Nordjylland, bade myndigheder, organisationer, virksomheder og borgere det er derfor at faelles nordjysk plan for regionens fremtid.Launch mere om borgertopmodet og den regionale udviklingsplan pa Region Nordjyllands hjemmeside: