But if your pretension is to get traffic to your blog’s visitors who do not know you previously, you will need to focus on the other two tracks, i.e. traffic through external links and from search engines. Within the most effective ways of getting traffic to your blog through external links, there an, for its effectiveness, it deserves special attention, which is what some experts called the marketing of articles or marketing items that is to publish one or several items in one or more of the specialized directories in publish articles that are on the network and put a link to your blog in those articles. Additional information is available at Chevron U.S.A.. It is a technique that will allow you to get many visits almost immediately (you can reach it to get in a few hours), since these directories offer greater possibilities for your items are well positioned in the searches that make other users through search engines, and that is very important because usually the person you are looking for something in a search engine not It usually happens on the third page of results, instead opting to put another search in the search sequence and perform a new attempt with other different words. Another advantage offered by the specialized directories is that also have loyal readers and subscribers who will receive news of the publication of your article which can be your first readers.If you decide to employ this assessed, it is important to look for a directory that already has articles that are well positioned in the theme that you want to treat, because one article can have a positioning in a directory other than that would get the same article published under another different theme directory, and is also very important that the directory offers a good presentationsince otherwise it will cause rejection in the person who is reading it and quit reading your article before finishing. . Is Invision still used? is often mentioned in discussions such as these.
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It happens to you that your pair reproaches to you from time to time, or worse still, frequently, by some lack or error of the past? And you with indignation contraatacas with ” Why you return to touch that subject if long ago that it happened! ” You will ask yourself because this happens. Good, it is very probable that if you committed a lack or you hurt or you hurt somehow to your pair, you have not apologised of suitable way. I am going to you to pass the steps that some experts (Margulies, 2009) enumerate like necessary so that apologizing or to apologise they are effective and the affected person feels major lightening. Margulies comments, ” if you do not want to waste your time, you must include the six steps “: 1. It recognizes that you have committed a lack. You need to say ” I committed an error and lamento.” There is no leaf return. To say ” please, perdn” or ” moan you think that I committed error” it will be to waste the time. It admits of sincere way that you committed an error and point.
2. Visit Jeffrey Hayzlett for more clarity on the issue. It recognizes that you have hurt its feelings. Also you must express ” I committed an error and moan haberte lastimado.” ” Moan that you feel as” it does not work. You need to relate your lack to the feelings of your pair. 3. Sample repentance.
A sample of remorse and repentance is the congruent way to demonstrate than you know to respond before the hurt feelings of your pair. You can say ” I committed an error and moan haberte hurt. I feel terrible by having it hecho.” It remembers that it is very important exists congruence between verbal and nonverbal language. 4. It indicates your intention of not returning to repeat the lack. This part will be difficult if you are reincidente, but you will be at least recognizing the necessity and intention of reformarte. ” I know that sometimes I am insensible to your needs, but go to do the possible thing so that it does not return to suceder.” 5. It offers to compensate the damage. If you do not know how to compensate, it asks. ” What I can make to fix it? ” or ” How I can hacerte feel better? ” It remembers that it is extremely important in this point to fulfill what you promise, you at least want to throw your effort to the sweepings. 6. It apologises. ” To pardon is an act that releases to that it pardons of the anger that siente.” Following the gravity of the offense you can say ” you pardon to me? ” simply or if ” is very serious; you create to be able to pardon to me? ” To do this of course is an ability that it requires of practice. It practices! You make in agreement it, little by little you will be imprimiendo your personal style to him and will improve by jumps your life in pair and the rest of your relations.