When I woke up still was night found, me in a surrounded mountainous water place, next to the coast. To far I observed a man rowing in a boat, come in my direction. That nightmare already was going far excessively. I pinched my arm in order to wake up. Surprise.
That was not a nightmare, was real. The boatman brought alongside the boat and took off the pointed hood. It was the death extending the hand to me.? Two currencies, I will take its soul for the paradise and will rest in peace in the elsios fields for only two currencies. I threaded the two hands in the pocket of the pants, did not have currencies. It did not have nothing, not even the wallet brought with me. What one died would make with a wallet or money in the pocket? What a unfortunate person as I can make if is not capable to give to the death two currencies so that is taken to the paradise beyond waters? now? I do not have currencies, but please, it leaves to count me to it my history.
*******************? Intently the death heard the facts that misfortune brought me, everything what I said the vocs I entered in its ears, waited that it felt sorry itself of my cause she even so took and me without the necessity of the two currencies.? which was the reply? I feel much youngster, will die in the hell. I started to feel the dog to fungar in mine cangote while it observed its boat if to distanciar throughout the horizon.? then you woke up? Its friends laugh, Peter raised the voice in way to the laughs.? You have a fertile imagination, congratulations! He takes two currencies here. More laughs. When this to happen of new you will not have problems. Plus a round of beer for my account, history was excellent. Of who it is the time now?