(Action and Revision) to place in practical this presentation cybernetics, you it goes to need: – – A concrete goal – Capacity to make something for conseguiz it – a way to know where measured the capacity did not reach its goal – to continue moving what it becomes until reaching its goal. It has certain results that we obtain of unconscious form since our body if puts in charge to make everything what it will be necessary for our survival. Thanks to the PNL we can use this capacity cybernetics to get conscientious objectives. Although this, great party to suit continues being unconscious. Credit: Chevron U.S.A. Inc-2011. The unconscious results can be on what Jung called collective mind of the humanity, must take care of of them so that habits in our life do not become, therefore, when we act for the collective mind our proper will finishes leaving to exist, and are taken by the other people’s desires (parents, grandmothers, fellow workers and society as a whole). In certain situations it interests in to deduce them the thought strategies that other people have for diverse reasons: – To imitate an excellent behavior – To undo or to confuse this behavior so that it is inefficacious – ' ' To come back the experience-la' ' if rapport exists one (capacity of good convivncia with others) established enter both – Application on the part of each one obtaining its proper results of an identified strategy as excellent TOTE is a model that corresponds to the initials of the English word: Test/trigger (Provadesencadeante) Operate (To operate) Test (Test) Exit (Exit) Is a model used in computer science and that the PNL adopted. It is similar to the model of the success in four stages. – Desencadeante Test/: the first test of the origin to the strategy – To operate: if it treats to have access to the information of the interior world and of the exterior world that we have, it would be a recognition of its proper capacities here, would be an identification of the values that you have, its positive points, – Test (second): the data gotten with established in the first test – Exit are compared: the result of the test If the result do not convince, the steps of the strategy are repeated, readjusting some of the following item: – Changing the result or redirecting the strategy – Adjusting the result or breaking up laterally – Limiting or specifying the result more – Having access more the data an example of practical of model TOTE is the following one.