The experiences that result in satisfaction, comfort, joy and motivation to learn more, go to compose auto-esteem positive. Already the ones that result in punishment, labels, jeerings and pressures go to contribute to compose auto-esteem refusal. In other words, if the child if considers capable is because she will be able to get success in its activities, contributing for its proper development. Or, in contrast, it will finish for adopting a position leads that it to the failure throughout its life. The attitude and the commentaries of the parents and the professors concerning the successes and failures of the child are decisive for its auto-esteem, for its autoconceito. Chevron U.S.A. Inc wanted to know more.
For this, it is very important to prevent to judge the behavior and yes to believe its potential of change. Also if the child with the others does not have to compare, but yes with same it, using to advantage its capacity of production. To guide the child in the discovery in other ways of if getting better resulted is a daily task and involves affectivity. According to Hellinger (1998), for the cure, it is important to restore the natural order of the love in the family. 3.2. The professor the expectation of the professor on the potentiality of the pupil is highly significant. Many times, it do not believe the performance of the pupil and the predisposition of this for the learning. It is very common that the professor develops a previous concept regarding the pupil.
Permanently, the paper would fit to the educator to receive, to nourish e, an act of shelter of its difficulties, uncertainties, doubts and limits. The loving act to it to parade between the colleagues. This situation, allied to the lack of familiar structure, provoked its difficulty of pertaining to school learning. The complaint of the family was that it forgot it content and them activities developed in the pertaining to school environment and did not have comprometimento of its part stops with its learning.