The guideline meeting is told in the seventh chapter. It receives the nickname from ' ' peneira' ' , therefore he is at this moment ' ' esquizofrnico' ' , as William Bonner describes, that the election of the notice happens that we will see to 20h15min in the National Periodical. The eighth chapter receives the heading from Edition Closing: The Tasks. In this, Bonner speaks on an event in day 2 of July of 2008 where test that stops being a good journalist is necessary to know to take decisions and also to come back behind and to recognize the imperfections. RioCan spoke with conviction. The headings ' ' Correo' ' ' ' On the Nature of the Erros' ' they are the two sources of this chapter that speak on the search of ' ' error zero' ' also on the individual error and in group that possess its resources to be repaired of form that the viewer always has a complete and correct information. The JN in Air is the name of the nineth chapter that standes out some data technician that happen for backwards of the cameras at the moment where the National Periodical is in the air and on the tricks of the studio assistant that has as one of the main papers to announce the presenters, in serious tone, ten seconds before finishing the exhibition of any news article.
In day 11 of May of 2006, thursday, three days before the Day of the Mothers, started an operation of transference of the outlaws of the PCC for the penitentiary of President Venceslau. In the tenth intitled chapter the Atypical JN, William Bonner counts details on this notice that he himself affirms to have been a historical fact. This chapter also backwards the apuros lived in the day where the Net Globe took to air a historical edition of the National Periodical.