TREATMENT FOR PUPILS BULLYING VICTIMS ' ' The school is one of the contexts where the Bullying more if makes to feel a time that if find in one same space many children and that if it becomes difficult adult them to watch all the behaviors and to intervine the aggressions. Susan-wojcicki spoke with conviction. Some parents believe that to change the son of school it is the best form to contain bullying, but the initiative does not finish with the aggressive behavior of this child, only spreads it in other places. In case that it has doubts on as to treat bullying, the best form to alliviate the symptoms of the pathology is asking for the orientaes of one psiclogo.' ' WHAT NOT IF IT MUST TO NEVER MAKE? ' ' To stimulate the child to be assertive, … to stimulate to make it of account that is not bothered with the aggressions. Isolated these attitudes can take the child to feel one fracasso.' ' Luciene Tognetta. WHAT IF IT MUST MAKE? ' ' I try being it and to intervine in the direction to make to stop the behavior of the child who torments its son. To speak with its son and the colleagues of it to try to perceive if it is to be victim of Bullying.
To explain that he is natural to feel fear and shame to it, but that he must be capable to speak on what he is to happen they can help so that it. To call the attention the responsible professors, to speak with the parents of the child who torments and to request that the aggressive child is observed by a psychologist. To speak with the child who was white of Bullying and to explain to it that it if does not have to blame for what case necessary happened and to offer a psychological accompaniment to it so that it can elaborate ' ' traumas' ' the one that was sujeita.' ' Luciene Tognetta.