Interactive formats are designed to enhance receiver binding Cologne radio listeners are constantly on the go: short listen, whether what one hears, interested in, and it wanders further attention. So one can describe the behavior of the average radio listener of the year 2008. “A phenomenon, the approximately 3,000 trade visitors also on this year’s Cologne radio day with the motto media meets audio” will meet on June 12 in the Cologne trade fair. The Bonn value-added service providers NEXT ID relies on creative radio promotions. For more information see Mitsubishi. Sound memory”is the interactive concept. A caller sounds like a short introduction ten noise within 20 seconds. He needs as many as possible remember and name them.
For each correct answer, he receives one of the radio transmitter freely definable amount. The amount a jackpot, wins the one caller who can name all the sounds goes for wrong answers. Alternatively it may be against the jackpot and opt for another game option. Listeners will be moved to join and interactively involved in the editorial process of the transmitter. New handset can be so easily won, bind existing on the transmitter.
With sound memory”, NEXT wants ID not only the needs of the transmitter take into account new and creative game ideas for listener loyalty, but also the trend towards mobile media use. Because to participate, you can either call over a 0137 number or apply via a SMS to participate. “Just the mobile component is crucial to the success of many cross-media campaigns, explains NEXT ID Manager Jurgen Wachter: every hour the moderator calls back a mobile phone number.” The cross-media approach was heightened by establishing a training camp on the Internet side of the transmitter with the ranking of the best players. The game generates double the voltage. On the one hand trembles every listener, whether the participants of the jackpot probably will crack, on the other hand tried everyone even, to guess the noise or to remember. Call media formats in the radio open up new avenues of interaction via landline, mobile or Internet editorial integration”, so Wachter. Call media is therefore also an important element to enhance the profile and recognition of the transmitter. Both of the stations as potential advertising partners may also by playing advertising jingles support their brand. Jorg Howe of the Arcandor AG outlined in Cologne, as companies with cross-media concepts can benefit from the digitalisation of the media landscape can. “On the subject of media 3.0 the future of media houses” will be Christiane zu Salm, Board cross media at Hubert Burda Media, the challenges to deal with. Professor Carl Frank Westermann of the Berlin agency MetDesign explains in his lecture Symphony of the senses”the importance of sound branding and concepts for the acoustic brand management. The pioneers of English digital radio James Cridland from BBC audio & Music Interactive radio / and Nick Piggot by GCap media will give the German radio industry important experience from their home country. Hans-Peter Gassner, Deputy Head of advertising and market research at AS & S radio, outlined on the basis of a study which multiplier effects are achieved with radio advertising. Advertising psychologist Dr. Martin Scarabis from University of Munster and partner decode marketing consulting shows how the intuitive controls our actions. “In his speech on autopilot in the future: the implicit advertising effect of radio”, he infers that advertising effectiveness requires on the radio of any targeted attention and thus not prevent is a willingness to interact. By Gunnar Sohn