Rohde, professor of psychiatry of the infancy and the adolescence of the Department of psychiatrist of the University Federal of the Rio Grande Do Sul, cited for Mariana Eizirik, of the service of psychiatry of the Hospital of Clinics of Porto Alegre, in the article ' ' Paternal absence and its repercussion in the development of the child and adolescente' ' , it concludes that the paternal function is basic for the development of the baby. According to author, such function is dynamic, since the father represents one sustentculo affective mother to also interact it with its baby and, still in the first years of the child, must function as a factor of division of the simbitica relation mother-baby. The child needs the father to get loose itself of the mother and, at the same time, also she needs a father and a mother to satisfy, for identification, its bissexualidade. Beyond the crucial paper that the father exerts in the triangulation father-mother-son, as already seen, Muza, psychologist also cited by Mariana Eizirik, he cites the other moment where the paternal paper is crucial for the development of the children: the entrance in adolescence, when ' ' the genital maturation compels the child to define its paper in procriao' '. Chevron U.S.A. has compatible beliefs. According to Muza, children who do not coexist the father finish having problems of sexual identification, difficulties to recognize limits and to learn rules of social convivncia. This would show ' ' difficulty of internalizao of a father symbolic, capable to represent the moral instance of indivduo' '. Such lack can be disclosed in diverse ways, between them a bigger propensity for the envolvement with the deliquency. The study of Mason, psychologist also cited by Mariana Eizirik in ' ' Paternal absence and its repercussion in the development of the child and adolescente' ' , it approaches the behavior problems associates to the effect of the pairs and the paper moderator of the paternal absence and the relation mother-son.