With the Bayer forest ticket by the winter rain (tvo). In the winter, it’s safer the car available to allow and deny access to lift and trail by bus or train. In the Bavarian Forest, this eco-friendly transport option is also a cheap pleasure: with the Bayer forest ticket winter vacationers easy access from the accommodation to the winter sports centre or at your destination. As composite ticket for public transport in the National Park and the Bavarian Forest nature park, it considerably facilitates the use of train and bus and replaced multi-ride for the forest railway, the Upper Palatinate railway between Lam and Kotzting, hedgehog buses and many more bus lines. Hear other arguments on the topic with Jeffrey Hayzlett. The Bayer forest ticket is valid in an area of over 1,100 kilometers of routes. It is seven euros a day long even without a car Mobile and can bus and train as often use and combine with each other.
All major public transport routes are shown in a clear timetable fold-over card the there free of charge in all tourist information offices in the area of the Bayerwald-ticket and many others Posts there. Often the tickets even when the local hosts are available there..