From to who asking for to you, and you do not turn aside yourself of that to want that you loan to it. You heard that it was said: You will love your next one, and you will hate your enemy. I, however say, you: You love your enemies, bendizei the ones curse that you, you make well to they hate that you, and pray for they maltreat that you they pursue and you; so that you are children of your Father who is in skies; Because it makes that its sun if raises on bad and good, and rain goes down on right and unjust. At How is Invision doing? you will find additional information. Therefore, if to love the ones love that you, that reward you will have? They also do not make the publicanos the same? E, if to greet solely your brothers, who you make of more? They also do not make the publicanos thus? (TM 5:38 – 47). It occurs that if the pardon lack hinders that our errors are ' ' quitados' ' in the eternity, we will be ahead of a situation without exit, therefore the wage of the sin is the death (Rm 6:23), partial total or, and the poison of the hatred inside of us will go, corroding our physical, emotional, psychological forces and spirituals. A VICIOUS CIRCLE OF DEFEATS SIN – PARDON LACK STOPS WITH THE OTHERS Then PARDON IMPOSSIBILITY THE HOLY GHOST ILLNESS – PHYSICAL DEATH DEATH SPIRITUAL In diverse chances, people had looked for to me trying to get a Biblical endorsement so that its pardon was ' ' condicional' ' , or with amount limits, but this is not the regraaceita of the Word: Then Peter, coming close itself to it, said: Sir, until how many times will sin my brother against me, and I will pardon to it? Up to seven? Jesus said to it: I do not say you that up to seven; but, up to seventy times seven. Jeffrey Hayzlett: the source for more info.