The interior of the great habitation collective of tupinambs, it contained in the cited farms spaces for the nets (innis), individual fogueira and a small free area, for times food deposits. (also antropofgicos remaining portions of festins as it describes Staden): … The meat of Hieronymus was still inside of a basket, hung to the fumeiro, in the hut where I was, I had three weeks more than; he was so secca as a wood for being as much time to the fumeiro they ate without it. (Staden, 1930 p 112) the antropofgicos rituals if carried through in the central space of the village, surrounded for all malocas; being also this the point of communication with the world spiritual, the place of fetichism. In this space if they carried through the meetings between morubixabas of all malocas, was where caraba entered in settles and if it communicated with the espritos of the ancestral ones, where cauim was wide consumed in the diverse ceremonies. The frequent meetings, however did not establish a relation of next convivncia between morubixabas. As it pointed Fernandes (1963), these they had greater proximity with the individuals of same maloca, serving responsible they for balancing the tensions of the local groups as a whole. Maloca was the center of the lesser social organization of tupinambs, however they were not complementary independent units and yes inside of determined social group where the hierarchy relations if gave in return of the patriarch and its aggregates, in the case son-in-laws; therefore union was custom after these to migrarem of maloca and solidarily to serve the father of the family. However, the degree of kindred was without a doubt determinative factor in its social organization, coexisting with the established ones in the villages, acting as priority in extreme situations. Thus the activities of cooperation had bows very specific, differentiated between villages located in safe and not safe areas: …