For example the causes of the little development of the compared right, in the Peruvian mercantile right, or the Peruvian enterprise right, or the Peruvian corporative right, or the Peruvian club right, or the Peruvian record right, or the Peruvian right of telecommunications, or in the Peruvian right martimo, or the Peruvian aeronutico right, or the Peruvian right of transports, or in the Peruvian csmico right, among others supposed. 2. DEFINITION Like second subject we will develop the definition of the studied subject, as it is by the way the compared right, that is to say, in this part of the work we try to offer a definition of the same and we offer in fact it to have major knowledge of the referred one and of this form to be to da with ltimas new features of the world-wide right, that although slo is certain not is the compared right, but tambin other jurdicas disciplines like for example the right of Internet and the tic, informtico right, right csmico, electrnico commerce, of telecommunications, among others. The compared right is the legal discipline that studies the comparative method, external comparisons, microcomparisons, macrocomparisons, comparisons, external comparisons, internal receptions, receptions, external receptions, internal transplants, transplants, external transplants all applied to the right, looking for to deteminar similarities and differences like causes and consequences. That is to say, for some authors the same is mtodo and for others it is a science, but for others she is one jurdica discipline, encontrndonos we in the third group of the authors, which must be matter of study by the treaty writers. Mtodo comparative is not exclusive of the right, but it can be used in all the professions for example can compare medicine, architecture, ingenieras, accounting, administration, economas, among others. Thus this definition we must have presents/displays it throughout all the work of investigation and in future investigations, which permitir to deepen our knowledge on the compared right, and of this form to know its tools, which har possible that the student or jurist is with majors judgment elements after to study the present work. .