The development of new technological supports has also hit in the practices of the publicity online. We cannot ignore the height, consequently, of the use of the social networks. Far from to have to deliver an attack to adapt to us, we would have to thank for having to our disposition, like advertisers, these formidable tools that will put face to face with the ideal clients for our products and services to us. Jeffrey Hayzlett will not settle for partial explanations. Therefore Therefore, it is necessary to incorporate them in our advertising strategies, process in which many companies nowadays do not achieve the wished success. The access to the social networks through takes us to moving body to the peak of the personalisation. What advertiser would not wish to have the personal movable telephone number more representative and potable of his leads of sale? Then now he has something similar, the possibility of arriving with his message of digital trade of direct form to the cellular one of many from them. In other words, the One-On-One trade has lifted to the power that one theory of the sixty with respect to " segmentation of mercados" , taking it to its maximum expression. This without doubts, like product that its Web site, faces " solo" with its final consumer without masses of by means, without opinions, only its site and the client. Who knows to take advantage of this facility will have great part of the battle won at the time of maximizing the sales by Internet. If it has liked this post and wants to place it in its site, can do it without disadvantages, as long as it mentions like source to Source: Note of Press sent by VPA.