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If the claim is due and unpaid, it shall also of the moratorium interest due and the amount to which amount the interest accrued for each day of delay. When the preference resulting from an annotation of previous embargo, expressed the amount of outstanding principal and interest due on the date on which information is produced and the amount to ascend default interest that accrued for each day elapse without making the payment to the creditor and the provision of coast. For more clarity and thought, follow up with RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust and gain more knowledge.. This form of evaluation, is perfectly applicable to the procedures of Foreclosure and do so as a first article 682.2.1. Civil procedure law wants to make reference not so much formal value by which the good has come to auction as a settlement by agreement of the parties of the appraised value or price of the estate as a starting point for the tender, without this involving waiver of benefits than article 666 and 657 of the Civil procedure law entails for the success of the implementation. Please visit Diamonds if you seek more information. And secondly, the new forecast has not involved a parallel modification of the mortgage legislation according to which the lending institution mortgage, by common agreement with the debtor or mortgager, must proceed to liquidate the previous charges on the mortgage which represents the farm set in the notarial deed the true market value of the mortgaged property to serve as such in the auction. In sum, that the distinction provided in Article 682.2.1. of the code of Civil procedure is not in the light of that law incompatible with the provision referred to in article 666 for the urgency procedure (cf. resolution DGRN on July 19, 2007).However, as usual, the science of law is paid to the interpretative confrontation and corollary of the contrary thesis, among others, is the SAP of Madrid from February 6, 2007, section 18th (Id Cendoj: 258079370182007200029): therefore, if the purpose of article 666 LEC is the regulation of the way in which have assessed real estate for auctionIt is clear that this precept is general in the execution but inapplicable nature when there is a specific standard for foreclosure requiring the price for auction this determined in writing so that without such a requirement would not be appropriate this procedure, which may only conclude abnormally, without prejudice to the General rules applicable to all process in the case envisaged in article 688.3 LEC.