But on the other hand the Portuguese had given to an enormous contribution for the traffic and use of the enslaved work. With ' ' evoluo' ' of the society and the ideals, and principles based on the authors as Locke, Rousseau and Montesquieu, note if that Natural laws had been institutionalized in Codes, as the example in the law nr. 4737 of 1965? Brazilian Electoral code, whose disposal in the Art. 2 – All power emanates of the people and will be exerted in its name, for agent chief executives chosen, direct and private, amongst candidates indicated for national political parties, excepted the indirect election in the cases foreseen in the Constitution and specific laws and Art. 7 – the voter who to leave to after vote and not to justify before the judge of the electoral court up to 30 (thirty) days the accomplishment of the election, will incur into the fine of 3 (three) the 10 (ten) percent on the minimum wage of the region, imposed for the judge of the electoral court and charged in the form foreseen in art. 367. 1 Without the test of that it voted in the last election, it paid the respective fine or of that he was justified duly, it will not be able the voter: I – to enroll in competition or test for position or public office, to invest or to install themselves in them; II – to receive expirations, remuneration, wage or revenues of function or public, autarchic job or for state, as well as foundations governmental, companies, justinian codes and society of any nature, kept or subventionized for the government or that they exert delegated public service, corresponding to as the month subsequente to the one of the election; III – to participate of public bid or administrative of the Union, the States, the Territories, the Federal District or the cities, or the respective autarchies; IV – to get loans in the autarchies, societies of mixing economy, federal government saving bank or state, in the justinian codes and boxes of social welfare, as well as in any establishment of credit kept for the government, or whose administration this participates, and with these entities to celebrate contracts; V – to get passport or identity card; VI – to renew school registration in educational establishment official or fiscalized by the government; VII – to practise any act for which if it demands repayment of the military service or income tax.
Therefore, the chapters, paragraphs and interpolated propositions of the Brazilian Electoral Code of 1965 above related, had the objective of analogous exemplificar the Ideas of the Authors versus the present time. At the same time where it approaches on the liberalism of John Locke, the freedom of the Individual argues on the importance of the protection, for the State. But an awaken thing curiosity and also the form that masks the democracy concept all. Therefore at the same time where it is clearly this emanated power of the people, it notices if an obligatoriness of the society to participate or to vote in its candidate.