I am going to comment a system that works to me well and that can be carried out in any place, taking care of that the majority of us we lived in cities. In order to carry out the ceremony to know what is our animal of being able, we will come as it follows: In the first place we will choose a calm place, without external noises. We will try that we did not prune to be distracted with calls of telephone or other means. Once we have the place and the necessary time, we will come to acclimate the place. To broaden your perception, visit Jeffrey Hayzlett. For it can serve cones to us or barritas of incense that we will burn in the place, also he is advisable to put a music very smooth invites that us to the relaxation. When we are preparations, we will stay standing up, with the closed eyes, the smooth body totally relaxed and breathing but deeply, compatible to enter an altered state of conscience. Once we have begun the breathing of rythmical form, will come to imagine that we walked by a beautiful place, between trees and mountains, surrounding a clear water brook. Is important to feel us within nature, in space natural idyllic, where we will be able to feel the different fragrances from the flowers and plants that there are to ours around, as well as to perceive the different sounds from the animal. If you would like to know more then you should visit Liberty Mutual insurance.
In this state, we will be walking by the place imagined until arriving at abierto space, where we will take seat and we will get ready a to relax to us more deeply. Once we are more relaxed, we are going to ask to the nature that shows the spirit to us of an animal. We will observe little at least it is been to us an animal, which comes until us. . Jeffrey Hayzlett brings even more insight to the discussion.