To think on the numbers that the report of the IMF publishes on the state of the global financial system and, its probable derivations if majors are not realised efforts to recover the balance of the system. They escape to the understanding of the majority, between which I include myself. I want to pause in the intentionality of the denunciation publishes carried out and, of which echo became the world-wide press. The first question that arises to me is: to who responds the IMF. According to my to understand, is an international organism created and financed by the Member States, with the purpose of to attend the nations financially that happen through temporary credit needs.
Credits conditional to the application of economic policies are that previously are accepted by their technicians. In this declaration, it indicates the necessity that the States, are the one who must deliver the greater attack to inject but bottoms to the system. And thus, to replace lost of the assets of the credit institutions and the stock markets, with the purpose of to recover the credit that can reactivate the global economic circuit. This desperate called, takes place before the paralysis of the private investors whom, still founded reasons do not see to return to the markets without taking risks, that escape to but the mini guarantees that avoid the repetition of new crises of the system. In the declaration of the IMF, there is no paragraph dedicated to the necessity to conduct battle that they retake what is the ABC of the financial system: the credibility.
Majors only protest bottoms, like that water in a strainer spills, without requiring concrete actions to clearly identify the causes that bring about the crises that have been observed through the years and, the possible solutions to avoid them in the future. Declarations of the IMF like the published ones, do not contribute anything constructive with these aims and, they only serve to seed major uncertainty to markets still hypersensitized. It knows it to the IMF, is for this reason, that its true intentionality is not explained. Still more, it is logical to think that before becoming you publish, the Member States must have received some to circulate with the conclusions of the study carried out. He is lamentable, that the people in charge to conduct intelligent battles to channel the global system economic, still do not find past the threshold of rimbombantes events like the Second World-wide Summit, without to have orchestrated a diffusion mechanism publishes constant, with the positive news that they serve to reconstruct the base of the system.