Skills Merchandising

In this article I will describe the final personal qualities for the successful performance of a Supervisor of Merchandising from a comprehensive point of view or 360 degrees. There are three types of knowledge that must have a Supervisor of Merchandising to achieve the goals of your job and maintain growth in his professional career. We are talking about: know, General knowledge of the work in which we operate we know do, ability to do the job to which you dedicate know be, has to do with our values, we appreciate ourselves and others. To be able to live and coexist. Each of these knowledge complements and together they form the labour competence of the Merchandising Supervisor.

Knowledge starts with the General and theoretical knowledge relating to trade, distribution and general management. A Merchandising Supervisor can best do their job to the extent that can interpret the goals of the company for which he works and the way that can contribute to the growth of the same by what an excellent Merchandising supervisor should preferably be a student or graduate of marketing, minimally should possess a technical level in marketing or sales. Never too late to start these studies in a formal way. It is also possible to be self-taught, there are huge amounts of books and courses that you can do. As Merchandising Supervisor you must be at least one more level above in the aspects of knowledge above those whom you oversee. Remember that you are, or are supposed to be, the model to follow. Develop a gift of leader, don’s command, gain respect.

Knowledge will give you that power. All this is ideal, now well, into the labour market many times we will find collaborators who make an excellent role as supervisors of Merchandising and have no title or university studies. To them I say that before, never too late to start.

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