Undergoing calm outside and within you. If in your around (external calm) is a calmed atmosphere and if you are to taste with you mism@ (internal calm), your yield is greater? Absence of stress. Although generally a slight dose of stress does not come bad. But very light? tense-relaxation, or been in which you are tranquil@ but not dormid@ nor agotad@. Simply it alerts? Increasing silence your around. Like general norm, at the most noise has in the place where you study, major the effort you are going to have to do for concentrarte? High self-esteem? Absence of fear a? failure? the stranger? Optimism You see the glass average full or average emptiness? Wearing comfortable clothes. When what you wear too much is fit you or weighs much in your body, the effect is not the same that when you get dressed in light clothes and which you can be moved with total freedom? Position? Location. Library, room, park, bus, any site is not worth.
Tenlo in account? Physical form. You do not need to be at the competition level but the difference to be in good physical form marks the difference? Alimentndote with a rich vegetable diet, fruits and fish, mainly? Cuidndote of which your habits of dream are the correct ones for you? Realising stopped to rest at the opportune moment. That usually it is when your yield begins to lower, you are sleepy, hunger, Optional: Music. Sometimes and following the type of work that you are realising (solving exercises, memorising, reading text technician, ), to have something of basic music venirte could well. Music barroca is a good option? Optional: The dark.
Test to memorise in a place with little light Those that wish to remember (reminisci) retire of the public light to a dark privacy: then to the public light the light of the sensible things (sensibilia) disperses and its movimento is confused. In the dark, however, they become compact and they move with order. For that reason, Thulium, ars memorandi that puts in the Second Rhetoric, prescribes that imagines and looks for dark places, with little light Great Alberto, Of bond.