Leaving of this premise, we go to focar as the empatia can be used in the beauty halls, as much for the attendance personalized in relation to each cultural type of customer, how much the proper physical type of each individual, in view of an attendance not prejudiced, but yes likeable, pleasant and pleasant, making with that this comes to look to the services offered for the hall several other times. The empatia in its integral concept can say that it is of forms, one is the type of sly perception shown by the people in accordance with the necessity of its customer. The empatia necessarily this if also makes gift in its suppliers, that a realistic and acurada notion of its proper staff and its competitors has of the market, and also of other groups of people, or involved individuals in this work since the unions until the shareholders and also the companies manufacturers of the products. To be capable to see this reality for the optics of the individuals, that is, them customers and to perceive as they are reacting the practised actions inside of the beauty hall and to adopt measured that they provide to a powerful set of agreements and readings for an efficient and compromised management with intended satisfactory result. The profession of a hairdresser is as of a priest or doctor of the family. If it cannot work in a hall without using emotional intelligence, especially the empatia. It is had to pressentir what the customer waits and yearns for, exactly not being capable to translate this in words. As Freud observed: ' ' the immortal ones are incapable to keep secrets. When its lips are quiet, them they fofocam with the fingers, and if they disclose through each poro' '. In its book: Working with emotional intelligence, Daniel Goleman, it says that: ' ' The key to know the emotional land of the others it is in gaining familiarity with its proper one, as it was shown in a research carried through for Robert Levenson in the University of California, in Berkeley.Levenson calls couples to its laboratory physiology for two colloquies: one, neutral one, of the type ' ' how it was its day? ' ' , and to another one, one it has debated of fifteen minutes of some subject on which the couple has discord.