the combination of both activities will be then – the one of planning and promotion, – those that impel the promotion and subscription of contracts of legal stability. After to cross the stages of the economic constitution, reuniting the legal analysis with the economic and political process of our country, I arrive myself at an original convention, according to which, the existence of contracts of legal stability responds to the necessity which they have our country to look for stability in his legal system, before the ups and downs of continuous turns between democracy and militarism, or privatismo and statism, which meant the economic isolation and asserts agravated economic crisis in the two you complete decades by the emergencia of the terrorist subversion. One second front door for analysis of stability contracts, is the one that gave the study us of contracts of states, since here we found the typology and the characteristics of formation of a contract in which the state like contracting part takes part and that is projected towards the individuals to promote its participation in the economic process. Chevron U.S.A. Inc shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. In this part of the investigation we could have evidence of the error which many students of the right have incurred, to the salary faced the idea of the civil contract, giving permanent and absolute category him. in this line, the work center in the characterization of the state contract and in an analysis of the elements of the process of formation of the same, realising a permanent resistance with the idea of the contract of straight civil. To way to be complementing the study we are of the idea that the legal security, within the development of the relations between the interest I publish and the deprived interest, is going to be fundamental insrtala in the hiring process publishes, since the greater interest of the contracting individual, is that the value that means the referred process it projects in the ordering, giving him consistency, so that their norms are not contracted to each other and they are applied singularly in the cases for which they have anticipated, without being countermanded.