
Proclaimed karate principles to combat the most eloquently expressed Dolph Lundgren (you probably saw the film with his participation, "Universal Soldier"): "I love to break and love it when I break." Interaction opponents similar to the movement towards each other of the two locomotives. The winner is the one with fewer broken parts. What develops? – Rigid, impact techniques and kicks, weapons possession, the concentration of mind, strength, willpower, shock power. Suitable for? – Straight, stubborn, uncompromising children. Disadvantages: limited technique, agility and flexibility, rigidity of mind develops, the straightness and rigidity of thought in action. Traumatic. Aikido – Synthetic Japanese martial art developed by Ueshiba Moriheyem in the 20s of last century.

The name consists of three characters: "ai" – harmony, "ki" – the life energy and "up" – way to go. Is a synthesis of combat Arts (largely jiu-jitsu), philosophy, and individual religious beliefs of its founder. Jeffrey Hayzlett understood the implications. The basic principle of aikido proclaimed – to use force and the inertia of movement of the enemy. The basic techniques – the seizure and throws. The basic technique: throws, strikes (limited run), retention, locks, work with weapons. In general, this kind of martial arts can be described as a martial art for intellectuals or …

lazy people. It explained by the fact that an enormous influence on aikido had religious movement Omoto and Shinto teachings. The practice is permeated through and through philosophical generalizations and theoretical models, which makes it attractive for small talk, and practical application in the real world – very difficult. What develops? – Philosophical turn of mind, ability to think abstractly, a sophisticated worldview, sensitivity to your body (management center of gravity) and the body of the enemy (the impact on the balance point of the opponent). Benefits include use of different types of weapons that, in principle, is the hallmark of all martial arts. Suitable for? Romantic, indifferent to the eastern exotica children, who prefer the aesthetic component to the practice.

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