Gecor obtains the federal contract for its expansion in the United States? The Malagan company advances in its world-wide growth the Federal Government of the United States, through General Services Administration (GSA) it has granted to ACT Technology Federal Contract or licenses to sell the American government. This it is a very important landmark in the development of the launching of Gecor in the United States. The Contract Federal is a contract of 5 years in which specific the price that the Federal Government is prepared to pay by products and services of a supplier. This contract can be extended by 3 consecutive terms of 5 years each, which actually is in a contract of 20 years of duration. Basically, it is a contract in which the price of a product or service pre-has negotiated beforehand. In order to obtain a Contract Federal, the companies must pass through a length and arduous process of negotiation of prices and conditions. The GSA makes an investigation exhaustive of the company applicant in which they evaluate aspects such like the economic solidity of the company, years of experience with the product at issue, the opinion about the company and the product on the part of its present clients, the price that the present clients pay by the product, etc.
ACT Technology it approved with a substitute in all the categories. The Contract Federal is a guarantee so that all the implied parts benefit, from the point of view of the federal government, this can save much money, time and resources when not requiring a licitation process whenever she wants to buy a product or service; from the point of view of the company-supplier, this can more quickly sell its product without having to be always competing in price with other companies; and from the point of view of the citizen, the products and services can be used quickly when they make lack. This is a step in our objective from which more than 20 million citizens in Spain and the USA they benefit from Gecor for the end of this year, more comments Jose to us Nebro, president of Gecor. On Gecor GECOR it is service for the management of the incidences in the public thoroughfare that ensure communications between citizens and Public Administrations at the same time as it improves the efficiency of the resolution processes. The use of system GECOR allows to reduce the average times of procedure of incidences in a 58%, managing to reduce the costs by incidence in a 25%. GECOR has a panel of experts who analyze the data generated by the system, to detect and to spread good practices, innovations in the management, savings in costs and average times of resolution. For more information it visits: Gecor (*) Technologies in the cloud or ” Cloud computing” , it is as it is known a tendency caused by several technologies, that are prevailing in computer science: the execution of applications in Internet instead of in the computer or local network of the user