They include/understand, in these conditions, why the present ancestors of our human sciences, are the psychological novel, the classic theater, the writers moralists, etc. We see these texts like art works. These works certainly had also that character, but mainly they had the particular character to represent a knowledge in rupture with the university of the time, and not only that was worth that knowledge of the university, but also hoped to exceed it. When began the second movement that presided over to the birth of ours human sciences? In the century XIX that was the time of Balzac and, coverall, of the Realism. From the realistic movement, the things began to evolve. Literature became one Literature of message. As of that moment, who did, for example, sociology? Zola.
It is the message thesis, I dare to say it: novel to thesis, theater to thesis, written by the thinkers (in the university did a century that, at that time, nor we imagined). And we arrived at the third movement, that is to say the point culmnate from the thought (to the impasse of Literature), that is to say Sartre: they read what Literature counts in Situations of it jeopardize. As of the moment where it was it jeopardize, Literature is not more than a weapon battle and it does not belong more to the glad knowledge (is something terribly sad) and he is not literary, becomes another thing (that corresponds to them to you to call it as they want). and after Sartre, will ask to me what exceeds of French Literature? Nothing, Is Byzance, that is to say the new novel , theater of absurd , new critic. Nothing! A day, somebody asked to me what it was until now of French Literature from the aim of the second war (1945).