Direct banks offer attractive conditions today, still being paid fees for his checking account, is itself to blame. Just the facts can be formulated, that many banks now charge no more packages for accounting. A checking account comparison shows that bank customers have a wide choice. The annual fees for credit cards have become as obsolete. Free credit cards are part of the free account packages. Who even added together, how much he is his bank every year for a service not yet provided paid, via a change of thinking bank account.
Lot fees hardly service not only banking has meant that bank customers of more and more services, formerly carried out at the bank counter of bank employees, will be made today at home. Also in the banks themselves, the machines in the fields of service took over the tasks of the people behind the desk. The default on the part of the banks is clear. The staff are said to be still can more care on the sales of other products. As a bank customer to be paid a fee therefore sure that someone else wants to sell him something, and he paid the service, for which he even run must.
Direct banks, but also individual brokerages, and now also the first German bank to do it, that business reasons not force an accounting package. Against this background, it is clear that more and more consumers terminate their account at the Bank site and switch to a free account management Institute. That just the direct banks recorded a continued increase in the numbers of customers, is also the fact, that the generation of Internet is getting older. This consumer audience is accustomed to shopping on the Internet, to find out there, and now also the banking business there. In addition the convenience, that banking transactions from your living room or via tablet or Smartphone also can be processed on the way. Should the selection Bank customers not only on the account maintenance fee to look, but compare all prices for banking services. Loan interest rates are also cheaper almost all users of a giro account ever took an overdraft service. Even the Federal Government has dealt some time ago with the business policy of banks in connection with the interest for this. These interest rates are, despite low refinancing interest rates drastically inflated. Consumer advocates warn that fact for many years. Dispozinsen today are the rule in the double-digit range. There are however some exceptions. A comparison of free current accounts shows that their provider also in the overdraft interest rates are significantly cheaper as the brokerages. This fact is worth just for the consumer, which must often take advantage of the scheduling.