An amphitheatre is a place of relaxation and cultural recreation. Executed in wall fascione it is formed as a vestibule to concentrate the cross-sectional routes as as much longitudinal, given the adaptability of the fasciones. Throughout the gorge, in the slope, a channel of water-drainage with a section of 1,8 ms, that the scene crosses and leads waters of superficial draining, in rains, until the stairs of the gorge, a fast one in fasciones has been developed that lead until the river. From this concept of fasciones on the environment, a flexible work is had that accompanies the movements by the natural land. The wall fascione stays without breaking and it is conformed to the deformations that impose those argillaceous lands to him. This is the great advantage, we think that if we had not used fasciones and it has used concrete or rubblework, is to wait for that that way we see, deformed launching slips, concrete exaggeratedly divided, cracked. The classroom of this theater or cenotaph is a smoothly stepped brick esplanade, that it finds inside the slope, its main characteristic this dice by a rasgadura in the floor, drawn by the course of the water that comes in slope. A central scene in a level more under the earthwork of fasciones, is divided by the channel to the foot of the wall fascione.
The water channel is protected in its two flanks by two rows of fasciones, this wall fascione contains volumes of stuffed of stone ball, a stone of reboleo within enmeshes of wire that constitutes the fasciones. At the end of the amphitheatre there is a close sector, entrance to the natural environment constituted by native forest. The hydraulic control of the slope based on fasciones The geologic condition of lands, very argillaceous, the hydraulic control of the slope where the wall mounted staggered fascione, is based on the consolidation of the surface, avoiding that this is eroded and in addition it is constituted of such form that drains the internal water of the layers. At heart of the gorge a channel gathers the water of the edges and the total of works and in the highest part, they dren intercepting collaborates in maintaining driest the zone possible. The conformation of the fasciones that in themselves leave to many interstices and the draining positioning of one geomanta filters only aguay avoids that the wall fascione remains without base due to the migration of the ground among stones of the fasciones. Thus the slope is drained and everything stays in its place, maintained by the wall fascione, without there is ground erosion. The amphitheatre and the wall fascione in linear dimension The amphitheatre appears constructing a concentric size, based on the relation of equidistances between the central scene and the spectators, give a space, concentric situation and maintained by the wall fascione, that gives a greater height him it projects and it on the slope. In the park of your town you have amphitheatre? you have seen some amphitheatre of this type? you dress some amphitheatre in problems, quedraduras and deformations?