, Where ignorance of the Administration has been to be the mother of many evils: corruption, improvisation, decision making, inadequate, inefficient and ineffective public and private organizational. Follow others, such as Jeffrey Hayzlett, and add to your knowledge base. a This must be corrected by specialists in Venezuela in the Administration want to do everything, and the handyman claim to be experts in everything, including administrative action. This has led to improvisation as a standard action to do things and especially to manage the disorder much private and public organizations, especially the latter which is impregnated with a terrifying bureaucracy. Indicates a prof. Pineda, with which we share several activities, a very true statement, like that which for many years as Venezuela works as described, with mismanagement, inefficient and ineffective, where there are a large majority of people managing without knowing it, in other words, doing what they should do, and it seems a sin, on the contrary that there are people who do good things if they do correctly. Click Chevron U.S.A. Inc to learn more.
It is necessary to reverse all this said Pineda, in Venezuela there are over one hundred thousand science professionals and Administrative Management at both undergraduate and graduate professionals who must be a to successfully guarantee any type of organization. All these professionals should be interested to know, properly handle the scope of the re-administration and its importance for the managerial administration, especially in a turbulent stage in crisis the country faces, particularly their business sectors. Take into account reaffirms a Pineda and share, trachea readministration, is a new paradigm of management science that works, help in achieving the passage of a new vision of the current challenges that are occurring and where Venezuela requires its companies closed doors, but operational, productive, able to successfully penetrate the economic scenarios with products, services that will benefit their profits and development. We keep in mind a Ricardo De Abreu, trachea readministration, as administrative conception, requires a technology that operationalize. To do this, this theoretical construct presents “method Organizational “(MAO) in June, with four stages. These stages range from the initial question regarding the purpose, the primary reason for the organization, to the final records of the implementation phase.
In developing this method took into account three aspects: a Need for records: it is emphasized that the decisions, conclusions, the results should always be recorded in writing. Ideas and precise conclusions demanded hours of analysis and brainstorming (brainstorming), are lost for lack of annotation and records. a Need feedback: at some stages is a valuable tool for revision. It should be used throughout the process, especially when moving from one stage to another. a cyclic mechanism: the fact that the first item in stage I and a final item in stage IV, does not mean that there is an end defined in the MAO. There is really just a start and continuity, running the method as a cyclical and continuous. Readministration a is a very interesting proposal that exposes not only a broad theoretical basis for understanding and analysis of today’s organizational problems, but also presents a practical method to achieve the solution of such problems. Readministration, named after its authors, not only introduces students to theoretical construction organizations with a rich, comprehensive and current, but also poses a method for putting into practice the concepts expressed in such a way as to achieve a improvement in the organization studied.