We are clear that a crisis from the point of view communication is any unexpected event, capable of generating negative publicity that could damage the reputation of an institution and distracts the principal officers of their principal occupations to pursue settlement. One of the great mistakes made in managing crisis situations is the lack of a strategy, tactics, well-targeted actions that have a direction, a meaning. Well put a negative campaign can only be compared with being in a war situation. An action to counter a smear campaign must be addressed in a clear, orderly, coordinated and supervised as if it were a military campaign … Usually, the most common reaction to a media attack is to publish or disclose almost immediately a “paid advertisement” where an institution or person defends himself answering or clarifying any news release referred to it in a negative or affecting their personal and / or commercial. (Source: Diamonds). This kind of thoughtless and response writing) strategies to defend the territory, damaging the enemy and suffer the fewest casualties possible. This strategy must be clearly positioning goals, communication tools, key messages, and objectives. The most common mistakes companies incurred a media attack victims are: 1.
Reacting emotionally, without strategic vision: This brings us to fall into the traps of the enemy, so we see some officials, rather than engage in resolving the crisis and caring corporate image generating positive location, invest time and resources to sue journalists and the media, leaving the media to defend indefensible positions and answer each of the justifications attacks futile, pointless and hopeless. 2. Be reactive rather than proactive: Many businesses react to attacks instead of proposing. We set the agenda, which means that his enemies at will handle the issues of public debate around the themes of your company. 3. No designated spokespersons trained: In despair, whatever comes to the media to “defend” the company, without previous training, without key messages proactive, not reactive key messages, unprepared to face the press in conflict situations. 4. No time to act: Many companies spend much time left before making the decision to confront the media crisis or negative campaigning.
When this happens, the number of negative adjectives are very well positioned, so it cost a lot of resources to balance the negative information and enhance the positive. Experts say it costs three times more to rebuild than to build. 5. Reply with commercial advertising, not make the mistake of countering a negative campaign with a traditional advertising campaign, focusing commercial use only. We must be clear that a crisis management is not through a traditional advertising campaign commercial activities are two different applications, you should seek professional in this area, the crisis management advice. If we understand the smear campaigns and actions of war and act with cunning and intelligence, a crisis can become a great opportunity to relaunch the image of our company.