
Chinese medicine tells us that the disease arises when the Chi is stagnant or accelerates. Tai Chi and Chi Kung cultivate vital energy in order to keep our body in health and harmony. Our chi energy is deposited in our physical body, evenly distributed in the chakras, energy centers, centers that must care properly handle to not become unbalanced energy transfer towards our actions favouring us and prevent energy loss, wear and pass diseases, situations often serious death that originate. Scholars of the chi energy teachers discovered that these centres are connected to form a circuit called microcosmic orbit. By then, had no knowledge that we have electricity and, despite everything, were able to gain access to the flow of electromagnetic energy (CHI) body. Teachers learned to use the mind and the inner eye to guide the Chi by this circuit. They used it to heal themselves, thus establishing the basis of a spiritual work.

As they developed their internal senses to distinguish and catalog the Chi depending on their various sources (Sun, moon, stars, etc.), learned to absorb more Chi from each of these sources to pass to your Bodythe is microcosmic orbit as a large reservoir of Chi which caters Chi nourishes, feeds the rest of the body. Firstly, full extraordinary or ancestral channels (in total, there are eight channels extraordinary, being the first two functional, and the Governor that form the microcosmic orbit.) They feed on the other six). Then fill the twelve regular channels: six Yin and six Yang. The Yin and the Yang channels are all connected with one of the vital organs. This is how the microcosmic orbit meditation sends nutritious Chi throughout the body. Everyone is born with the circuit of the Open and flow microcosmic orbit. Even in the womb, a fetus Chi flows through its own orbit Microcosmica. After birth, this path is free and open, until puberty, is displayed when the body feels the hormonal changes and physical development pressures and emotions become stronger during the delicate phase of adolescence.

Stress is one of the main factors causing Chi blocks that appear in the channels of the body when it is adult. Reopen the consciously the microcosmic orbit, we increase the efficiency of our energy consumption and started to fill the losses of Chi. Definitely should not be neglecting what represents the energy chi towards our life, you have to know her feed, properly handle and take advantage of it while we are given the opportunity to stay at this level, where everything is energy, and we know it controlled to ideally take advantage. This attentive, watchful in as their energy management.

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