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The paper of each one in the support the subject support has been distinguished currently and constitutes an important and complex focus of research, a time that relates ‘ ‘ dimensions as economy and culture, nature and society, welfare and utopia, environment and change cultural’ ‘ , (RUCHENSKI, 2002, p 9), however the universe of people who really understand that the subject if relates to the capacity of keeping in them inserted in one definitive environment without impactar violently in this way, is little significant and is perceivable that this scene, has caused diverse consequncias for the life human being.

Considering that the access to the education is a right assured for law for all the citizens, it has the necessity of if not only rethink the directed educational context to the technique, but also to a transforming question, in which the co-responsabilizao of the individuals becomes an essential objective, a time that the individual attitude finishes for reflecting in all. (JACOBI, 2003, p 193) This new to look at, could not be given outside of partner-educative processes and of the participation citizen in which if they form the human beings of our time, therefore, according to Birth, ‘ ‘ without an education of quality and adequate preparation of its members, a community cannot progress and if desenvoler adequadamente’ ‘ , and the lack of understanding on the subject is preoccupying if to lead in consideration that the same is present in all the daily decisions, exactly simplest, as to take bath or to buy products, until most complex since quality of life of the population and mundias economic decisions. It is challenging and necessary, a new perspective on the forms to think and to act and thus to recognize the interconnection between all the beings and to respect that each form of life has its value, in a space where if they articulate nature, technique and culture..

Brazilian Cities

To stimulate and to create a change of habit in the population is necessary priorizao or to create a plan of sidewalk and illumination, since exactly in areas central offices of the Brazilian cities to the sidewalk they are irregular, and many times constructed with materials that do not allow the circulation of the pedestrians with security, much less the accessibility the deficient physicists; in the outlying areas the problem if to aggravate, seen the sidewalk lack. In the question of the public security guard it has necessity to create preventive policing in prioritized ways to prevent assaults, guaranteeing to the pedestrian tranquillity in the floor the foot. When we think about transport the foot, we can create mobilization programs the walked ones, as well as defining definitive ways or ways that will be modified for this type of transport, to stimulate groups of workers, students for inside of quarters or determined distances the foot. In all the ways of cited transports, the concern is with the man and the environment; to think about the future, to think about the quality of life that we want or that we can have, is not an individual decision, but yes a collective concern, and that it in general needs to be thought and to be planned by governments and society. To invert priorities in the transport, does not mean to remove the circulation automobile and yes to prioritize other ways, that consequently will promote reduction of the use of the automobile, beyond prioritizing social and the economic one. The economic one because we will leave to make great workmanships that demand deelevados resources of the public budget, making a planning for the use of the ways and the transport.

In the social field, benefits of the reduction of costs, use of the public spaces for relationships and convivncia of the man. The implantation of politics and programs that they aim at to the reduction of the use of the automobile, are better accepted in middle class, that this more acquired knowledge for improvement of the quality of life of the cities, while poor classrooms, the car represents status, therefore the necessity of education programs aiming at to create an awareness for the environment is of basic importance for the success of new alternatives of transport. Another important program is to start in the schools a process of ambient education, that enters the presented contents in the transport area and transits obtains to create a culture of use of other modalities of transport, and despite the use of the automobile to also be able to be shared with other people, preventing individual use of the same, creating an awareness in the child and the young, that these alternatives are basic for our city, parents and our planet; programs that involve culture changes have of being of long stated period; campaigns of radio and television, and until the envolvement of communication agencies are of basic importance for the success of the alternatives of changes. At last, to invert the priorities of the public ways is not a question only of small workmanships or interventions in the ways, but of well bigger amplitude, therefore it demands changes of culture of the population and our governing. Francisco Carlos de Figueiredo Silva, civil engineer (1985) UFPR, employee of the Municipal City hall of Curitiba; regional administrator of 1.989 the 2004.

Rio De Janeiro

With this, it rains more in the areas where the high volumes of water are a problem and less in the areas of springs and reservoirs. In the same way, with the heat, it more rains in the urban areas of monday the friday? when the water is more problematic? of what in the weekends, when diminishes the heat and has little movement of people. Last the 10 years are between 12 hotter of the history of the globe. The State of Rio De Janeiro has a history of extreme events of this nature since 1966, and the agent chief executives know of this. Additional information is available at Rio- Tinto Group. In Niteri the city hall was informed, has six years, for a study of the Institute of Geocincia of the Of the state of Rio de Janeiro Federal University, of the risks with the disordered occupation of topos of mounts and hillsides. In the year of 2007 the same institution called attention for 142 points of risk in 11 regions, five of which now drastically reached for the landslides: one of them was accurately the Mount of the Bumba, area that during 15 years received the garbage from Niteri and Is Gonalo.

One of the hypotheses is of that the recent landslide has been aggravated for a gas explosion methane accumulated there by the decomposition of the garbage. A complete nonsense! Public managers must criminally be made responsible by omission and negligence, when allowing decreases you prevented and superfluous in series against the life. Rio- Tinto Group: the source for more info. The occupation of the serrana region of Rio De Janeiro, as well as many other examples in Brazil, appears under the look obtuso and Populist of the authorities, propped up in spurious agreements with loteadores or the formation of electoral clientelismo of the occupants of risk areas, as fertile valleys, sources and mounts. It is a herclea task to go ahead with punitive laws to the consisting power, therefore the authors of laws are they themselves. In developed countries he has great respect to citizenship and the urban planning cousin for the security of the individuals, differently of what it occurs in peripheral countries, where until laws of urban order exist, but nor all are fulfilled and low the citizenship contributes to leave everything as it is. Of this form, the natural disasters cut with a scythe few lives in rich countries that if prevent and take ratio of horror in poor countries. This only dumb scene when the cost politician will be insuportvel and this depends basically on the full exercise of the citizenship, which is, to make the correct choices in the hour to sow what spoon is desired.

Sir Isaac Newton

But he is proven scientifically that the dinossauros had left to exist, wants to say, had disappeared of the face of the planet, having left as test formidable sseas structures, much before the advent of the primates. One pum collective, perhaps! As the scientific demonstrations, retroacting to the remote origins of the Orbe, we go coming across in them with a nebula of gaseous mass the millions of centigrade degrees, this behind has four billion and five hundred million years, turning in an elliptical orbit around the Sun to the daily speed of two million and five hundred a thousand kilometers daily, that is, more than the one hundred a thousand hourly kilometers, rigorously keep the preset basic criteria in so accurate mathematical calculations that engineer some will never obtain the least to imagine most elementary declared. Carlos Barros wrote that who was Sir Isaac Newton placed the house in sequence. We go to come across with cooling constant and gradual of nebula, whose peripheral structure is made solid, imprisoning in interior material in boiling, which poderosssima bomb, that still in our days keeps the temperature of two a thousand centigrade degrees (when the water fervente is of only one hundred degrees), forming the seas, the mountains and the continents, providing conditions to the seismic and magmatic phenomena in form of earthquakes volcanos that as many devastaes have provoked for all the parts of the globe. In the year of 1969, when the American astronauts had returned from the trip to the Moon, the studies made in the samples of the ground lunar had presented similarity between that one and of the coast the west of the United States, or more necessarily, of California, making to believe that the Globe would have been victim of one I shake seismic gigantic that pulled out it a block, launching it the space and placing it in orbit, transformed into satellite.